What is Metallic Braces?, Advantages, Disadvantage & More

What is Metallic Braces?, Advantages, Disadvantage & More

What is Metallic Braces?

Metallic braces are orthodontic devices used to align and straighten teeth, connected by wires and rubber bands. Effective, durable, and affordable, they address issues like misalignments and bite problems. Regular adjustments by orthodontists ensure precise tooth movement.

What is Metallic Braces?, Advantages, Disadvantage & More

Advantages of Metallic Braces

Effectiveness: Metal braces are highly effective in treating various orthodontic conditions, including severe misalignments and challenging biting disorders. They have a long and successful track record in achieving desired results.

Durability: Metallic braces are durable and can withstand the normal wear and tear associated with daily activities. They are less prone to breakage compared to some other orthodontic appliances.

Cost-Effectiveness: Traditional metal braces are often more cost-effective than some alternative orthodontic treatments. This makes them a more accessible option for individuals with budget constraints.

Adjustability: Orthodontists can effortlessly adjust and fine-tune metal braces during regular appointments, ensuring teeth move as planned and achieving precise tooth alignment.

Comprehensive Treatment: Metal braces are versatile orthodontic solutions that can tackle various issues like misalignments, tooth crowding, gaps, and bite problems, making them ideal for comprehensive treatment plans.

Predictable Results: Orthodontists have extensive experience with metal braces, making it a well-established and predictable method for achieving successful orthodontic outcomes. The results are often reliable and consistent.

Covered by Insurance: Dental insurance often partially or fully covers orthodontic treatments like metal braces, making them more affordable for some patients.

Disadvantage of Metallic Braces

Visibility: Metal brackets and wires are easily noticeable, which may be a concern for those seeking a more discreet orthodontic solution.

Aesthetics: Metal braces can impact the confidence of wearers, particularly adults and teenagers who may experience self-consciousness about their smiles during treatment.

Discomfort: The use of brackets and wires can cause discomfort and irritation to the cheeks, lips, and tongue, and may cause soreness for a few days after each visit.

Dietary Restrictions: Metal brace patients should steer clear of sticky candies, popcorn, and hard nuts, as they can cause damage or impede the braces’ functionality.

Oral Hygiene Challenges: Maintaining oral hygiene can be more challenging with metal braces due to the presence of additional components. Special care is required to clean around and between the brackets and wires.

Length of Treatment: Treatment with metal braces may take a longer time compared to some other orthodontic options, such as clear aligners, depending on the complexity of the case.

Dr. Shubham Agrawal

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